
What's in Your Bag? Mine, superglue and a compost pail.

Lastest gift from the  city of Portlandia;

A compost pail.

Never mind the fact we already have a Recycle Bin, 
Glass Bin, 
Compost Bin 
and a 
Trash Bin (which is now picked up every other week, yes the Trash...)

What is a compost pail you ask?

Remember the show, "Little House on the Prairie" and their lunch pail that Laura and her sister would run down the hill with to her one room schoolhouse?

Yes, that's EXACTLY what the compost pail reminds me of and looks like, Laura's lunch pail.

And I bet she didn't use it for her lunch scraps.

Instructions per Portlandia; we are to place the compost pail on our kitchen counter to regularly empty leftover food scraps.  Never mind the fact if you have a dog, the compost pail should receive it.  

Meaning, Portlandia should receive it. 

And I have yet to use it.  

Or bring it in the house.

I just CAN'T.

Though as I passed by this car yesterday, I couldn't help but wonder if he/she uses his compost pail?

And, would he/she notice if I added MY compost pail to his "collection" on the car???

So, what's in your bag?
 I will tell you what's in mine. 
Wallet, CC, Jimmy Choo sunglasses, diaper, wipes and last but not least, 
superglue and a compost pail...
should I ever see this car again.


Smurfs Playing Soccer

Soccer season here in Portlandia is in full swing.

And my boys are liking it...

Though I must say, it hasn't started without a few minor, "I'd like to forget" events.

Game Day #1...

Thomas' game at 9AM. Location: Robert Grey Middle School.

Charlie's game at 10AM. Location: some Portlandia high school.

I Mapquest(ed) both locations and they are 15 minutes apart from each other.

And husband at hospital.

En route to Thomas game at 8:55 AM. "sh*t" I yell. I am lost. AGAIN.  Winding up one mountain and winding down another ain't my daily cup of tea. 15 minutes later, we finally arrive at destination only to see a huge soccer field split into 4 games and every single player is wearing the same blue uniform as my Thomas is.

Every single player.

And not to mention the fact, they are all kindergartners.

As in they are the same size and height.

In fact, they all look like little smurfs running around.

Playing soccer.

My Thomas asks, "Mom, where is my team?"

Me, "It is the blue one, Thomas."

My Thomas as in duh, "They are all in blue mom."

And yes...they are.

But instead of finding his team, we take off to charlie's game since I was determined to have at least one child play his first soccer game.

 Only after agreeing to one of my worst nightmares, yes we can have McDonald's after Charlie's game, and yes we can play on the indoor playground.

We did...for four hours.

Tiger Mom would so not approve.

Game #2.

8:45AM, we exit the front door to game.  The boys stop suddenly in their tracks. 

"Mom, it's raining. No soccer." 

"Oh no dear, here in Portlandia, we play in the rain," I say.

They look at me as if I had all the sudden grown two heads.

I swap my bag of blankets, camera and sunscreen for umbrellas, raincoats, etc.

And yes, we are now running late. 

We come upon the field of blue smurfs running around again.  This time I am determined to find his team and I approach field # 1.  

"Is this coach riley's team?" 


Field #2.

"Is this Coach Riley's team?"


Field #3.

Is this Coach Riley's team?


I am beginning to sound and feel like the confused baby bird in the "Are you my mother" book and goes everywhere from asking a cow to a steam shovel with the "big question."

Field #4.

Baby bird asks, "Is this coach riley's team..."


Baby bird found her mother!

Thomas joins the team of smurfs playing soccer.


Green Cotton Candy?

It has been 5 weeks so far of us living here in Portlandia.

Yes, everything is beautiful and green here as is in the mountains, trees, parks and the people.

They wear clothes that are green and beige, of course, with lots of different green and beige shades to it.

On every billboard here in Portlandia promotes about how we can be more green (reuse, recycle, wear it again, make art out of it, compost, etc...).

Even Nordstroms gets it...

The vendors at the Farmer's Market were promoting its organic products; it is green, eat more greens....

I did not have a problem with this...

Yet my son, Charlie had a different thought in mind when surveying this booth with the knitted yarn caps hanging above, and then when he saw all of the yarn bundled in a plastic bag for sale...

He then turned to me and said very confidently, " Mom, that is definitely NOT Cotton Candy. "


To hike or bike, or throw the bike?

After of one month of living in Portlandia, I have come to realize a few things:

Y'all is completely unheard of
(and my accent...well, that's another story)

Beige is a color to describe clothes and has many shades to it

There are over 200 parks

And only seven outdoor swimming pools

And just to name a few activities Portlandia loves:



Biking and Hiking

The other day I piled up my three kids and headed off to a park.


This time we took CT's Razor Kobra bike, Thomas' Razor scooter and Elle's pink riding toy.  
And me, my feet in some stylish, though flat sandals.

After playing on the playground a while, the kids wanted to ride on the asphalt roads through Washington Park.

Not a problem. 
Off we go.

Then they wanted to ride on the dirt trails. 

Not a problem. 

Then they wanted to go up the dirt trails on the side of the mountain. 

Again, not a problem and I choose a relatively easy (not too steep) one. 
And yes, we carried all of our equipment.
As in, I carried Elle and her riding toy while the boys carried their own.
We all safely made it to the top, equipment and all.

In front of us was a much steeper trail going up the side of the mountain.
The boys sped off on their bikes and scooters towards it and up the trail.
Halfway up that one, CT decides he can't push his Razor Kobra bike up any further.
Can't blame him since it is 30.95 lbs and he weighs 53 lbs...

I take the Razor Kobra.
I now have Elle, her pink riding toy and now CT's 30.95 lbs bike.

At this point, I am frustrated. I am hating myself for agreeing to "hike."
I am hating all of our "equipment."

And I am hating CT's Razor Kobra bike that weighs 30.95 lbs.

So, I hastily set Elle down with her pink riding toy.

I then pick up the Razor Kobra 30.95 lbs bike and throw it off the cliff.

The boys look at me with shock on their face.

I sweetly tell them, "Don't worry, we will be back for it."

Satisfied with the answer, we all continued our hike up the steep hill.

As we all FINALLY reached the top minus one equipment, I turned to my boys and said in a very sweet but firm voice, "Mommy is DONE hiking...D.O.N.E."

Surprisingly they both wholeheartedly agreed...as in no argument or backtalk from them.

The Razor Kobra bike survived the throw off the cliff...

And yes, that is Spiderman, age 5 1/2...in a size 3T costume.



2 weeks in and we are somewhat adjusting to our new city Portland but not without experiencing the cultural differences.  

Why? You ask?

My neighbor.

Don't get me wrong, she is nice and has two kids, one girl, 11 and one boy who is Thomas' age.

Her house is fabulous, interior and exterior.

Her backyard has a great swingset surrounded by a chicken coup that is a home to 3 live chickens and my kids love to play in it.

Yes, both swingset and chicken coup.

And our cat, Flav has picked out his spot...on top of the chicken coup, eyes always on the chickens and his tail wagging gently back and forth.

She has two dogs.

One is named "Jerry Garcia"

The other is "Betty Ford."

Both are dead.
(the people, that is)

I asked what she did for a living.

She replied, "I work for Bob Marley."

Red Hot Chili Peppers immediately came to mind,
Bob Marley poet and a prophet
Bob Marley taught me how to off it
Bob Marley walkin' like he talk it
Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it
(Give it Away)

And yes, he's dead too.

No further questions.

Then her daughter gave my Elle her Barbie to take home for the night.

Yes...that is her. No torso. No legs. Just one arm. 

I had no further questions...


Creme de la Creme

A month ago it was a whole jar of vaseline.

Two weeks ago it was a 10 ounce jar of Bags Balm.

A few days later, it was a jar of MY favorite conditioner...
you know the one that you use so sparingly so it would last a awhile PLUS is screwed on tight so no one would get into it...


Little Miss Elle had a different idea...

And what did I do?

Wiped the conditioner right off her body and placed it all back in the jar.

Then she gave me this smile which of course, melted my heart...

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Do you remember some things you as a child used to do to your mom that drove her nuts? Seems like it is payback time for some of us moms....and I wouldn't have it any other way! Again, Happy Mother's Day!!!


Bag Balm

8-Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate 0.3% (Antiseptic) In A Petrolatum And Lanolin Base.for chapped conditions and superficial abrasions . Salve originally intended to soothe irritation on cows udders. It is used as a treatment for chapped and irritated skin on humans and can be found in drug stores and farm stores. 

One warning: 

Too bad since Elle cannot read.

As that is exactly what she did with the ENTIRE 10 ounce jar the night before Easter Sunday.



Ah...gotta love phone options these days:

Back then it was:
Rotary Dial or Touch tone Phone.
No Answer or Busy Signal.
Answer. Chat. Hang Up.
That was pretty much it.

Now it is Cell/Landline/Computer.
The love/hate Caller ID
To Answer or Ignore?
(they can't tell...or can they?)

Face Time.  IM.  BBM.  Skype
And it does go on and on, yes?

A recent morning:
(not always my dear mother whom I love calling but was in this story and yes, I told her I was going to post this...)

As my phone rang the other morning promptly at 8 AM, I glanced down to see who it was and immediately clicked:


I will chat with my mother later, I thought as I was frantically getting all 3 kids dressed and failing, ready for school as I wanted my oldest to be there seconds before the 2nd bell rang.

Why 2nd bell?

1st bell...pas possible.

8:45 AM, she calls again.

"Ignore, "

As I hit for the second time which I've just dropped off my oldest child at school (seconds before 2nd bell) and head back home to get my middle child dressed as he refused to earlier since he really wanted to be in costume and all...

See why 2nd bell is much more attainable for us...

And not to mention my pajama wearing, pneumonia stricken, snot faced 2 year old girl, whom was howling in the backseat.

As I'm silently congratulating myself for continuing my progress of breaking free of co-dependency upon others such as my parents, I then get this text from my mom;

"Call me back ASAP please."

All before 9 A.M.

Panic begins and my mind races, "Who died? Hospitalized? Gossip?"

What, what, what?

I must know!

I immediately call my mother back
at 8:46 A.M.

"Hey mom! what is up?" trying to sound nonchalant.

I've just bought Elle the most precious three dresses. You must go online and browse through them and let me know what you think."


It sometimes seems to be at these times we are not most thankful for those who are always thinking of us....though we should be and yet, at the end of the day, we are always thinking of that one person...

Who do you think briefly of in the morning but yet mainly who is really the one you think of at the end of the day?


To break up or not?

Early this AM, well okay, 8 AM but still it was early for me when I had a much needed highlight appointment with my hairsylist.  He is not only good eye candy (a plus), but a fabulous hair color, cut and wash guy yet I went to someone different last time. 


 Maybe I was in a hairstyle rut, or just wanted to see "who" else was out there but now am happily back to my regular hairstylist.  

As we gave each other a hug and he took my starbucks so I could put my smock on, he then asked if I drive a SUV?  
I said, "why yes.  A black one." 
He said, "I KNEW it was you when passing you in the Starbucks parking lot the other day.  I wanted to honk, but thought, nah...she may not recognize me."

 That brings me to 5 reasons you should consider keeping your hairstylist if considering a change: 

Always happy to see me!
 If he had seen me and I had "broken up with him", what to expect?  Surely it would not be a hello.

Reason #4
He/she shouldn't and probably won't ever lie to you.  

Reason #3
You will always end up feeling fabulous...even if you walk out with a mullet complete with a rat tail.

Reason #2
If you've know him/her long enough, they give you the juiciest gossip of the town...

Reason #1.
He/she is also your therapist. Knows most or ALL of your secrets...

How long have you been with your favorite hairstylist? Or are you secretly breaking up with yours by going to another one...? Is your hairstylist also your therapist?



Two years ago, this day I was taken to the hospital for contractions, not quite intense but unusual. The nurse came back with the results that indeed my water had broken. 


As I was done with carrying the hot air balloon in my stomach.

This was mid morning, Febuary 5th. As my mother heard that I was going to have scheduled c-section that day, she looked at me, "Honey...don't you think you could hold out a few hours so she and Mark could have the same birthday," as his birthday is Febuary 6th. 

If only looks could kill...

That day, Elle made her dramatic entry into my world, 5 weeks early at 7 lbs 11 ounces.

Life has not been the same since then.

She's fabulous. She's lovebale. She's sweet. She's snuggleable. 

But then there are times when she's devilish...temper tantrum thrower. 

But all I know is when I look at her in times when I'm upset and then gives me that smile of hers, my heart just melts!

Happy Birthday Elle!  Love you tons!


Ladrones! Ladrones! Ladrones!

My husband likes to stay on path.

I like to take the off beaten path.

I convinced him one time to accompany me on one of my off beaten path exercusions in Buenos Aires.

We randomly ventured into an area called "La Boca."

As Mark's pace quickened, a cab then squealed by, slammed on its breaks and yelled for us to get in.

"ladrones! ladrones! ladrones!"

"Ladrones?" Mark asked and looked the word up on his blackberry.

Robbers! Thieves! 

Cab driver took us back into the safer neighborhoods. Mark then pulled out his map.

We went to this museum:

Armas de la Nacion Mueseum.

Did he want guns for the robbers? Thieves? 

Or Me???

Nah, I am still here!  And he gave me a map which of course I misplaced...

Do you like to follow the map? Do you prefer everything black and white?  Or do you like to venture off path and see what life has to offer you?



It is the eccentric habits of my children that can either drive me crazy one day and amuse me the next.

Had I known when registering my wedding china ages ago, that my future child Thomas
would require 4 knives when I make his peanut butter honey sandwich. 
One knife for spreading the peanut butter. 
One knife for spreading the honey. 
One knife for cutting the crusts off. 
The final knife for cutting the sandwich into two triangles.

And if he wants another sandwich, no problem. 
Just get me 4 more clean knives.

Elle requires 2 spoons for each cup of yogurt. 
If she wants another cup, that's 4 spoons.

Or even the occasional occasion as Thomas requires two spoons for his ice cream:

I wish I had known this when registering for wedding china and silverware. Instead of 12 place settings each of Wedgewood, Lynn Chase and Haviland and the fancy silverware, I instead would have chosen a lifetime supply of the unbreakable, tacky, cannot believe parents buy it; Sponge Bob, Dora, Superfriends, Batman, Cinderella plates, cups and flatware etc.  I am proud to say I have a drawer and cabinet full of them.

Like I said, had I known back then what I know now... 


The Toothbrush

If I were smart, I'd invest some stock in toothbrush companies. 

Or, better yet, I really should take our paycheck and have it directly deposited into Colgate Co. 

You see, Elle has an infatuation with toothbrushes. She uses it to brush her 5 baby teeth at least 10 times a day. She walks around the house with it and drops it off in her most convenient spot whether the kitchen, bottom step or even in some random corner. But what has really gotten to me or shall I say my husband, her latest use of it, which is dipping it into the toilet bowl. 

Laughingly, I told my husband this and you know he did not think it was so funny.

So what has he done?

After each use, he places the toothbrush on the "out of kid's reach" high shelf, next to the sink, in the bathroom.

But that's not good enough for him.

He has placed it on the shaving cream can which is located on the "out of kid's reach" high shelf, next to the sink, in the bathroom.

"Still, not good enough," he thought.

So now, he has it turned right side up some days or facing down other days on the shaving cream can, which is still located on the "out of kid's reach" high shelf, next to the sink, in the bathroom.

And if it looks like it has been touched or even moved, toothbrush goes directly into the trash can. 

Any other toothbrush companies I shall look into besides Colgate?


Undomestic Housewife

I am the most undomestic housewife. 

 Even my six year old recently surveyed our bedroom filled with clothes and one spoon, said "Mom and Elle have just been up here." My husband asked, "How do you know?" "There are clothes all over the bed and the floor and yes, one spoon. Mom threw the clothes everywhere and Elle, of course had the spoon."


Ideally, my New Year's Resolutions should be the following:

1. Be a Neat Domestic Housewife

My children would say, "YEEESSS!"

2. Be a Chef

In their dreams:

3. Match all pairs of socks and put them in respectable place

No possible picture for this...

Instead, I am going to focus on the three which I know I am good at:

1. Laugh.

2. Love.
As we love our neighbor, Chase and saying "Goodnight" to her:


3. Enjoy.

Happy New Year to you all!

(by the way, the boys bedroom is now clean)