
I Dare Ya!

Yesterday I was convinced Halloween was created to drive us parents crazy. "Candy!" "More" "No more candy" tantrums thrown "One more piece" "If you get into the car now, I will give you one more piece of candy," I found myself saying frequently the past few days. Today, as my oldest son asked me for what it seemed like the 100th time, "Mom, you ARE going to wear your costume tonight, aren't you?" Never mind the fact that I was Star Wars Padme Amidala last night at a party in an all white bodysuit, belt and gun complete with white high heeled boots which was hardly noticeable in the sea of costume crazed adults but walking down Main Street with my kids in dusk hours? "Yes, Charlie, of course I am wearing my costume." Then he turned to daddy, "Daddy, are you wearing your costume too?" I quickly and happily replied for him while trying not to laugh as he was Star Wars Chewbacca in full costume gear, mask and all, "Of course he is!"
So today, I find myself thinking we should have more days like Halloween, days when we can relax some of our responsibilities as adults while dressing in costume gear with the children and of course, consume all the candy without a single feel of guilt. We would all be happier, more free and perhaps have a sparkle in our eyes...as our kids constantly do.
Who knows? Maybe I will show up on your doorstep with my own Trick or Treat Bag. Will you? I dare ya!


4 + 2 = 6

It is only 2 PM yet it feels like I've taken on world war III, fought it and still do not know the outcome. The day started off normal as I jumped out of bed 10 minutes to 8, threw clothes on, yell at kids to throw their clothes on, feed them breakfast and run everyone out to the car at 8:35 to drive them to school. I drop Charlie off, who was very excited since Cardinals "Red Bird" was coming to his school today. 10 minutes later, I drop my social Thomas off at his preschool and then head home to greet the housekeepers. Standing in my messy house, I tell her that my neighbor is so excited they are cleaning their house for the first time. She replies, "Yes, I know since she called me last night." I then tell her, trying to make up for our messy house, "They are much much neater than us," in which she to my chagrinned horror replied, "Yes I know." The phone rings, it is Thomas' preschool calling to inform me that the workers had to cut the power off in their school to remove the tree that fell last night during the huge storm. It is now 9:20 AM...his school starts at 9 AM. 15 minutes later, in the car with what it was supposed to be a day with one kid but now is two, I head to the vet to discuss the situation of our 13 year old dog, Jake. 1000s of tears, one whole box of kleenex and a set appointment to put him down, I leave the vet to go home and try to resume somewhat normal day activities. I feed kids lunch after arguing with Thomas why he may not have four kit kats for lunch but has to eat a peanut butter and honey sandwich, I then put Elle down for a nap. 30 minutes later and Elle still not napping but crying, the housekeeper comes over from neighbors house to tell me that they cannot get their dog, Maddie back into the house. I go over to try to get her inside which I failed at so I check to see that she has her invisible fence collar on and decide she's fine in the front yard for a bit. Back in my house, still trying to get Elle to take a nap, I hear Maddie barking but it wasn't the barking that was bothering me, it was how close by it sounded. Either her collar was not "on" or she had bolted through the invisible fence in her yard, but it doesn't matter because she was now standing at our front doorstep. "Ah, she wanted more fruit loops as I let her eat what it seems like 1000s on our dining room floor the other day," I thought trying to see some humor in this day. So now, as it was supposed to be Elle, Jake, Flav (our cat) and I day it was now Elle, Thomas, Jake, Flav, Maddie and I day. Maddie bolts into the house, runs into the dining room only to stop when she sees no fruit loops. She then runs upstairs to Elle's room which I chase after her, get her out, gate the room off because she was trying to get to our black, male cat, "Flavor Flav" whom was hiding for his dear life under Elle's bed. Like I said, "It is only 2 PM..."



This morning I caught myself sending a text to my babysitter, "Are you okay driving 35 minutes back home to Illinois so late at night?" I almost fainted as I thought, "when did this day come when I was so concerned about driving late at night?" It seems like yesterday my friends and I were all hopping in the shower at 9PM only to go out at 10PM sometimes driving two hours away to a party. Nowadays, I can hardly wait to crawl into bed at that time. And on the other hand, if I am concerned now about the babysitter, what is it going to be like when my three kids reach 16? Charlie, my oldest, I know is going to pass drivers education with flying colors and will never have a dent on his car. Thomas and Elle, however is another story. If we place Thomas on the hood of our car now and went 80 mph on the highway, he would consider it a "joyride." Elle, like me will somehow, yes somehow pass her driving test and when done, ask the teacher, "How did I do?" She will reply to her as she did to me, "Well, you passed... but you talk too much." I think for now I will enjoy worrying about the babysitter driving late at night...


Sneaking Around...

This afternoon as I caught Thomas and Elle in a rare moment dancing to a Wiggles video (which Thomas has said he HATES), I took advantage of the moment and raced upstairs to take a quick shower. Halfway through I began to panic, but sadly it wasn't a mommy fear moment as, "what if they notice I am missing," but it was, "What if they catch me, sneaking a moment away from them whether I enjoy it or not?" How many moments do we sneak around from our children, as moms? I know as myself a mom, I sneak around the chores of unloading or loading the dishwasher, or folding and placing the laundry away, swiping the debit card and entering pin number, or even preparing and cooking a meal...just to save the hassle of explaining to them or, heaven forbid, undoing the process as mine usually do 100% of the time. That got me thinking, what happened to the innocent days of when it was just about ourselves? If we did and you know you did also, we snuck around one or too many cigarettes; a few, ah- well many drinks of alcohol, our latest splurges at the mall, beer on the BP gas card that belongs to daddy, what really happened to the dent on our car, or final report card grade, borrowing our friends designer bags without her consent, or sneaking our latest crush into our rooms. But now that we are older and wiser, some with children, what we sneak around certainly have changed. Or have they not? Is a little bit of both, to try and capture our youthful days? What do you catch yourself sneaking around from your kids and/or spouse?


The Joker...

After glancing through one of my friends photos on FB, I came across one that got my direct attention. It wasn't the fact both of her kids were color marked every color imagineable on their face, it was her comment, "I love that I can send the kids to school looking like this on a random Tuesday." Whilst I have yet to send my kids out in public ALL at the SAME TIME in some creative form (besides Halloween, I have sent my middle child, Thomas who drew lipstick on his face in the perfect smile of the infamous...joker.
That brings me to one of the most important traits, Creativity. I personally think it is our job as parents to instill it in our kids while still young through dress up play clothes, legos, chalks, lightsabers and even driving around without music and dvds so they can play I SPY. (at least I can turn my ears off some, ha!) To me, watching my kids and others pretending and being imaginable is one of the biggest joys of parenthood. Who knows, maybe I will go out with lipstick around my face in the perfect smile of the joker...


My house caught on fire...but I got a whole new wardrobe

Summer before entering senior year of high school, I was home recovering after having my wisdom teeth removed. Bored reading in my sitting room, I along with my golden dog "Ginger" headed downstairs to the basement after stopping in the kitchen to fix a snack. "I can't eat anything" so why bother. I placed the pan back on the counter and continued on to the basement to watch tv. An hour later, Ginger suddenly jumps up and runs upstairs barking the whole time. "That is odd, Ginger never leaves me" I thought as I followed her up the steps. As we entered the kitchen, I realized there was smoke all around me. After opening the door to the outside, I ran into the foyer and looked upstairs. It was black- smoke everywhere! I quickly ran outside, across the street to the neighbors house and banged on her door. The housekeeper answered, of course to my luck, in spanish which I do not know a word of. "I need to use your phone," I yell, only to then shove her aside and run into the house to find the phone. I make three important phone calls:

First one: 911

Second one: The King's House Antiques knowingly my mother would not take my call since I had called only a 100 times already. Someone answers, "Hi!!! Is my mom there?" "No, she can't come to the phone now." Me, "Oh that is perfectly fine. Just tell her the house is on fire."

Third one: 19th hole at the BCC formingly known as my dad's second home. "19th hole," the person says. "Is John Kidd in?" "No, he is still on the golf course." "Hmmm, I see. Well would you please pass on the message whenever...that his house is on fire."

After placing the phone back on the hook, I looked down and realized I was wearing nothing but a t- shirt and panties. No bra, no shorts...nothing. Holding my head high and feeling very Bridgette Jones like, I strutted back across the street to my house. It is engulfed in flames. The fire hose is spraying water on it from at least 4 firetrucks. My possessions are being tossed out of the window as if they have no meaning. The only thing recognizeable was my teddy bear that my friend from camp gave to me. Everything else was black, charred or burned. An hour or two later, the last fireman exited our house and handed me three things that survived my sitting room, my Bible, my prayer journal and a shoebox of photos. He said to me,"You are so lucky you closed your door when you left your room. If you hadn't, the whole house would've exploded." I nodded and thought,"of course...only I did not close the door, I never close doors." I am always opening doors as I had opened up the kitchen door in which that is how Ginger, my dog got out.

What happened? The firemen said that my tv in the sitting room had an electric spark. Everything but those three was burned in my room. The other bedrooms, some possessions were smoke damaged, some were not. The furniture was salvageable. My WHOLE entire wardrobe was gone but....I got a whole new wardrobe. And what did I wear to shop in? My t-shirt, panties, grandmothers fancy Chantelle bra which of course was stuffed with tissue since she's a C, some shorts borrowed from a friend. And where did I go? Remember, high school, Ann Taylor, Parisians, Richs, Harolds...but if happened now to me, where would I shop? NM, Saks...hmm. Maybe I should start looking for some matches?


Confrontation or Realization?

Why is it that when you have food in your teeth, a leaf in your hair or worse, your zipper is undone yet no one points it out to you? Is it more embarrassing when you are confronted with it or when you realize it later on?

Today, after patting myself on the back and feeling proud for volunteering at CT's school for field day, I then look down and realized that the zipper on my pants was indeed, unzipped. TSK!..