
Sneaking Around...

This afternoon as I caught Thomas and Elle in a rare moment dancing to a Wiggles video (which Thomas has said he HATES), I took advantage of the moment and raced upstairs to take a quick shower. Halfway through I began to panic, but sadly it wasn't a mommy fear moment as, "what if they notice I am missing," but it was, "What if they catch me, sneaking a moment away from them whether I enjoy it or not?" How many moments do we sneak around from our children, as moms? I know as myself a mom, I sneak around the chores of unloading or loading the dishwasher, or folding and placing the laundry away, swiping the debit card and entering pin number, or even preparing and cooking a meal...just to save the hassle of explaining to them or, heaven forbid, undoing the process as mine usually do 100% of the time. That got me thinking, what happened to the innocent days of when it was just about ourselves? If we did and you know you did also, we snuck around one or too many cigarettes; a few, ah- well many drinks of alcohol, our latest splurges at the mall, beer on the BP gas card that belongs to daddy, what really happened to the dent on our car, or final report card grade, borrowing our friends designer bags without her consent, or sneaking our latest crush into our rooms. But now that we are older and wiser, some with children, what we sneak around certainly have changed. Or have they not? Is a little bit of both, to try and capture our youthful days? What do you catch yourself sneaking around from your kids and/or spouse?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still sneak in the cigs! love it!