
Happy Mom?

I must admit every once in a while, well okay, everyday, as I am standing outside my son's school I constantly check out the other moms. "She's so skinny." "She's not skinny enough." "My god, if only I could get my hands on her hair and cover up her gray streaks-she'd be a knock-out." "What in the hell is she wearing?" Then of course, I look down at my poorly chosen outfit for the day, running shorts and tank top only to mentally make a note to wear my navy Anna Sui dress with my Luchessee cowboy boots complete with big silver hoop earrings. Regardless of my exact thoughts on other moms, I am constantly in sync and aware of their status and style and how I compare myself to them? "Am I up to date on my style," I wonder. "Am I cool or better yet, a sexy mom?" "Am I a mom that gets admiration from other men and jealous looks from other moms?" "Do I look like mom that has a life even though I stay at home and keep my kids from calling supernanny 24/7?" Am I one of those moms that I swore I'd never be? Or horror of horrors, have I already turned into my mom??? And lastly, "AM I A HAPPY MOM????" I smile as I spot my son running out of the school doors...Yes, I am a very happy mom all "decked" out in her running shorts, tank top.