
What's in Your Bag? Mine, superglue and a compost pail.

Lastest gift from the  city of Portlandia;

A compost pail.

Never mind the fact we already have a Recycle Bin, 
Glass Bin, 
Compost Bin 
and a 
Trash Bin (which is now picked up every other week, yes the Trash...)

What is a compost pail you ask?

Remember the show, "Little House on the Prairie" and their lunch pail that Laura and her sister would run down the hill with to her one room schoolhouse?

Yes, that's EXACTLY what the compost pail reminds me of and looks like, Laura's lunch pail.

And I bet she didn't use it for her lunch scraps.

Instructions per Portlandia; we are to place the compost pail on our kitchen counter to regularly empty leftover food scraps.  Never mind the fact if you have a dog, the compost pail should receive it.  

Meaning, Portlandia should receive it. 

And I have yet to use it.  

Or bring it in the house.

I just CAN'T.

Though as I passed by this car yesterday, I couldn't help but wonder if he/she uses his compost pail?

And, would he/she notice if I added MY compost pail to his "collection" on the car???

So, what's in your bag?
 I will tell you what's in mine. 
Wallet, CC, Jimmy Choo sunglasses, diaper, wipes and last but not least, 
superglue and a compost pail...
should I ever see this car again.

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