
The Toothbrush

If I were smart, I'd invest some stock in toothbrush companies. 

Or, better yet, I really should take our paycheck and have it directly deposited into Colgate Co. 

You see, Elle has an infatuation with toothbrushes. She uses it to brush her 5 baby teeth at least 10 times a day. She walks around the house with it and drops it off in her most convenient spot whether the kitchen, bottom step or even in some random corner. But what has really gotten to me or shall I say my husband, her latest use of it, which is dipping it into the toilet bowl. 

Laughingly, I told my husband this and you know he did not think it was so funny.

So what has he done?

After each use, he places the toothbrush on the "out of kid's reach" high shelf, next to the sink, in the bathroom.

But that's not good enough for him.

He has placed it on the shaving cream can which is located on the "out of kid's reach" high shelf, next to the sink, in the bathroom.

"Still, not good enough," he thought.

So now, he has it turned right side up some days or facing down other days on the shaving cream can, which is still located on the "out of kid's reach" high shelf, next to the sink, in the bathroom.

And if it looks like it has been touched or even moved, toothbrush goes directly into the trash can. 

Any other toothbrush companies I shall look into besides Colgate?

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