My husband thinks I am nuts. I first agreed with him but then I looked at my life and thought, "I am not nuts, it is my life that is nuts!"
3 kids under 6 1/2 years, husband traveling all through this December and January for interviews, moving to a new city in June yet we don't know which and when we will find out. And he's still on call/working 80+++ hours a week.
No family in town.
A broken window by the boys playing ball at 7:30 in the morning. A broken shower rod also when they thought they were super heroes that could fly. That is just the beginning.
We moved here from Nashville with 12 big plates, 12 small plates and 12 bowls. We now have 9 big plates, 7 small plates and 3 bowls left. As for silverware, I have since lost count which I know Elle has thrown away most of it. Just caught her too late.
A constant search each morning for clean matched pair of socks and of course, Thomas' other shoe. And now that it is cold, Thomas runs out with mismatched socks, one shoe on and mismatched coat and no hat which he refuses to wear yet he is constantly requesting a scarf. Yes my life is nuts.
Would you look at me strangely if you noticed my child walking around like this.....
Don't worry, I would not either! Is your life nuts too? What do you do to remind you of the purpose of it all? Breathe? Pray? Meditate? Or just continue on...?
as your fellow nut I can completely say NO we aren't! Love your posts and I mean it, we have to go some place fun in 2011!
I too am nuts...My lifelines seem to be coffee in the AM and alcoholic beverage at 7PM (strength of beverage dependent on the day, so far no shots of tequila...but I am only 2 1/2 years into this twin thing)
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