
The Joker...

After glancing through one of my friends photos on FB, I came across one that got my direct attention. It wasn't the fact both of her kids were color marked every color imagineable on their face, it was her comment, "I love that I can send the kids to school looking like this on a random Tuesday." Whilst I have yet to send my kids out in public ALL at the SAME TIME in some creative form (besides Halloween, I have sent my middle child, Thomas who drew lipstick on his face in the perfect smile of the infamous...joker.
That brings me to one of the most important traits, Creativity. I personally think it is our job as parents to instill it in our kids while still young through dress up play clothes, legos, chalks, lightsabers and even driving around without music and dvds so they can play I SPY. (at least I can turn my ears off some, ha!) To me, watching my kids and others pretending and being imaginable is one of the biggest joys of parenthood. Who knows, maybe I will go out with lipstick around my face in the perfect smile of the joker...

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