
To break up or not?

Early this AM, well okay, 8 AM but still it was early for me when I had a much needed highlight appointment with my hairsylist.  He is not only good eye candy (a plus), but a fabulous hair color, cut and wash guy yet I went to someone different last time. 


 Maybe I was in a hairstyle rut, or just wanted to see "who" else was out there but now am happily back to my regular hairstylist.  

As we gave each other a hug and he took my starbucks so I could put my smock on, he then asked if I drive a SUV?  
I said, "why yes.  A black one." 
He said, "I KNEW it was you when passing you in the Starbucks parking lot the other day.  I wanted to honk, but thought, nah...she may not recognize me."

 That brings me to 5 reasons you should consider keeping your hairstylist if considering a change: 

Always happy to see me!
 If he had seen me and I had "broken up with him", what to expect?  Surely it would not be a hello.

Reason #4
He/she shouldn't and probably won't ever lie to you.  

Reason #3
You will always end up feeling fabulous...even if you walk out with a mullet complete with a rat tail.

Reason #2
If you've know him/her long enough, they give you the juiciest gossip of the town...

Reason #1.
He/she is also your therapist. Knows most or ALL of your secrets...

How long have you been with your favorite hairstylist? Or are you secretly breaking up with yours by going to another one...? Is your hairstylist also your therapist?



Two years ago, this day I was taken to the hospital for contractions, not quite intense but unusual. The nurse came back with the results that indeed my water had broken. 


As I was done with carrying the hot air balloon in my stomach.

This was mid morning, Febuary 5th. As my mother heard that I was going to have scheduled c-section that day, she looked at me, "Honey...don't you think you could hold out a few hours so she and Mark could have the same birthday," as his birthday is Febuary 6th. 

If only looks could kill...

That day, Elle made her dramatic entry into my world, 5 weeks early at 7 lbs 11 ounces.

Life has not been the same since then.

She's fabulous. She's lovebale. She's sweet. She's snuggleable. 

But then there are times when she's devilish...temper tantrum thrower. 

But all I know is when I look at her in times when I'm upset and then gives me that smile of hers, my heart just melts!

Happy Birthday Elle!  Love you tons!


Ladrones! Ladrones! Ladrones!

My husband likes to stay on path.

I like to take the off beaten path.

I convinced him one time to accompany me on one of my off beaten path exercusions in Buenos Aires.

We randomly ventured into an area called "La Boca."

As Mark's pace quickened, a cab then squealed by, slammed on its breaks and yelled for us to get in.

"ladrones! ladrones! ladrones!"

"Ladrones?" Mark asked and looked the word up on his blackberry.

Robbers! Thieves! 

Cab driver took us back into the safer neighborhoods. Mark then pulled out his map.

We went to this museum:

Armas de la Nacion Mueseum.

Did he want guns for the robbers? Thieves? 

Or Me???

Nah, I am still here!  And he gave me a map which of course I misplaced...

Do you like to follow the map? Do you prefer everything black and white?  Or do you like to venture off path and see what life has to offer you?